The Application Process
The application for the 2024- 2025 academic year scholarships will be available under the "Application" tab January 15, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Kathy Weiser, Executive Director @ 614-315-9425 or [email protected]. I will be happy to discuss the scholarship foundation, the application process, and answer any questions you have might have. General application guidelines are as follows: |
Education Is The Way Scholarship Application Guidelines
Below are the guidelines for Education Is The Way, an Ohio non-profit Foundation, (hereinafter known as the Foundation) scholarship program. The Foundation does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, color, national origin, physical handicap, sexual orientation, or age. The guidelines may be amended from time to time by The Groveport Madison Education Is The Way Scholarship Foundation Board of Trustees. Nothing herein shall be deemed to guarantee that every qualified Groveport Madison Schools student will receive financial aid to finance his or her post-secondary education. Students shall not rely on, or in any way plan on, receiving a scholarship as the primary source of their post-secondary education funding.
- Graduates of the Groveport Madison Schools are eligible to apply.
- Students shall be considered for a scholarship only after they have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Foundation that they have applied for all other sources of financial aid by the priority deadlines, and if they demonstrate financial need as determined by federal guidelines.
- Students shall submit to the Foundation their scholarship application by the priority deadline along with the Financial Aid Award notification from the post-secondary institution of their choice, and any additional documentation reasonably required by the Foundation to be eligible for a scholarship.
- Students must meet the minimum grade point average each year as established by the Foundation.
- Students must attend an accredited or qualified post-secondary school to be eligible for a scholarship.
- Students with the longest attendance in the Groveport Madison Schools may be given a preference in funding in certain instances.
- Students shall submit to the Foundation grade reports at the end of each post-secondary term before scholarships for subsequent terms will be made.
- All funds shall be paid directly to the post-secondary institution.
- All decisions of the Foundation with respect to scholarships are final, and not subject to additional review or appeal.
- Receipt of a scholarship for any academic year does not guarantee receipt of a scholarship for additional academic years.
- Students who fail to complete a term in which they received a scholarship shall pay back scholarship funds to the Foundation.