In 1989, the first Board of Trustees (a group of community, business, and school leaders) met under the leadership of James Fenstermaker, former CEO of AEP, to discuss how a college assistance program similar to the Columbus Public Schools' I Know I Can program could be started in the Groveport Madison School District. Soon after that initial meeting, a trust fund was formed with the contributions from community partners, and with the guidance and support of The Columbus Foundation. Eighteen months later, the organization became a registered non-profit corporation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Groveport Madison High School graduating class of 1993 became the first class to be eligible for grant dollars. Eight students that first year qualified for EITW scholarships. As of May 2024, scholarships totaling over $410,000.00 have been awarded.
In 2015, the Board of Trustees resolved to authorize a change in the charter to endowment fund status and to hire an executive director for the purpose of growing the endowment, processing the scholarship applications, and raising awareness of scholarship opportunities.
The Groveport Madison High School graduating class of 1993 became the first class to be eligible for grant dollars. Eight students that first year qualified for EITW scholarships. As of May 2024, scholarships totaling over $410,000.00 have been awarded.
In 2015, the Board of Trustees resolved to authorize a change in the charter to endowment fund status and to hire an executive director for the purpose of growing the endowment, processing the scholarship applications, and raising awareness of scholarship opportunities.